Dianabol stacks are highly recommended to gain rapid muscle mass and strength gains. Dianabol or Dbol is a potent anabolic androgenic steroid that is widely used to improve users’ body composition. Based on an analysis report, Dianabol steroids help users to gain 8 kg muscle mass in just one month.
Due to its high potency and higher anabolic and androgenic properties, Dbol is not recommended for female users. Chemically it is also known as Methandrostenolone, and Dianabol is the favorite drug of the most famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger.
When you consume Dbol correctly or stack them with the right other anabolic steroids, it will provide several benefits and amazing results in terms of bodybuilding. This article will explore the most popular Dianabol stacks that are widely used for bulking purposes and which provide significant muscle mass growth and strength.
Dianabol is a most potent anabolic steroid which is available in oral and injectable forms. However, Dbol injections are not popular, so people use Dbol pills to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. There are many websites available on the internet where you can find Dianabol for sale.
Dbol is a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, and Dr. Ziegler was the first person who developed Dianabol in 1950. This steroid is widely used to gain bigger muscle mass, strength gain, faster recovery and improve overall performance. If you take Dianabol’s high dose or use it long-term, you may face various side effects.
Dianabol is a liver toxic steroid, so users need to take liver protection such as Samarin or SamaGen or LIV-52 during the Dbol cycle. People may get amazing results in terms of bodybuilding when they consume Dianabol properly with the correct stacks. Let’s discuss the most common and important Dianabol stacks that help you to build muscle mass quickly.
Dianabol can be consumed in two different ways: Dianabol-only cycle and Dianabol stacks cycle. When you consume the correct dose of Dbol, its only cycle also gives effective results. However, stacking is preferable that bodybuilders and athletes use to achieve more effective results.
Dianabol is used for bulking to build bigger muscle mass, and sometimes it is also used for cutting to reduce body fats. Here we will discuss the best Dbol stack cycle that is used for various purposes.
This stack cycle is the best choice for those who are looking to gain muscle mass and, at the same time, to reduce their body fats. Dbol is the most effective bulking agent, whereas Anavar is an effective cutting agent. This stack cycle helps users to build noticeable muscle mass and strip their body fats.
Both of these steroids are liver toxic, so don’t forget to use Samarin during this stack cycle. Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid, and it won’t cause any severe side effects. When users use high doses and prolong this stack cycle, they will face numerous side effects. Here is the best Dbol and Anavar stack cycle:
Week | Dianabol | Anavar | Samarin 140 | Arimidex |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | N/A | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | N/A | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 3 | 20 mg per day | N/A | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 4 | 20 mg per day | N/A | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 5 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 6 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 7 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 8 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 9 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 10 | N/A | 30 mg per day | 2 tab per day | 1 mg/E2D |
Important Note: This cycle is not generally recommended. Dianabol is not a common practice for cutting cycles because its main role is only to maintain muscle mass gain and strength.
Dianabol steroid is used to kick start any steroid cycle and produce more effective results. Testosterone is a slow-acting steroid, and Dianabol is utilized as a kick-starter to cause the most output of this stack cycle. This stack cycle provides big and strong muscle mass and higher strength.
Week | Dianabol | Testosterone | Samarin 140 | Arimidex |
Week 1 | N/A | 200 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 2 | N/A | 400 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 3 | 10 mg per day | 400 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 4 | 10 mg per day | 400 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 5 | 20 mg per day | 400 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 6 | 20 mg per day | 500 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 7 | 20 mg per day | 500 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 8 | 20 mg per day | 500 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 9 | 20 mg per day | 500 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 10 | 20 mg per day | 200 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Both of these steroids are potent anabolic steroids, so this stack cycle is only for advanced users. Beginner users should avoid this stack cycle. Tren is an injectable anabolic steroid that works completely differently from Dbol. Tren doesn’t convert into estrogen, so it won’t cause any water retention or bloating. This stack cycle promotes fat loss and adds lean muscle mass in larger amounts.
Week | Dianabol | Trenbolone | Samarin 140 | Arimidex |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | 150 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | 150 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 3 | 20 mg per day | 150 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 4 | 20 mg per day | 150 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 5 | 20 mg per day | 225 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
Week 6 | 20 mg per day | 225 mg per week | 2 tabs | 1 mg/E2D |
This stack cycle is usually used during the off-season, and generally, it is not advisable and not recommended to users. So, before using this stack cycle, get advice from any professional experts. Dbol is a liver toxic steroid, but Deca Durabolin doesn’t cause any extra strain on the user’s liver.
This stack cycle promotes bigger and stronger muscle mass gain and provides higher strength gains. This stack cycle suppresses natural testosterone production and also causes water retention.
Week | Dianabol | Deca Durabolin | Samarin 140 |
Week 1 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 2 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 3 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 4 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 5 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 6 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 7 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
Week 8 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per week | 2 tabs |
The correct dose, cycle duration and the right stacks of Dianabol provide pretty amazing results and numerous benefits such as:
Remember, only original and high-quality Dbol products will give you desirable results. Always buy Dianabol steroids from the best websites. Never go for cheap or alternative steroid products because they can harm your health.
Result of the Dianabol treatment
We hope you’ll get all the basic details on the Dianabol stack cycle through this guide. Always choose the correct stack and follow recommended dosage with protection and cycle duration to get maximum results with few side effects. Get any other free Dianabol stack advice from our coaching experts.