Dianabol Cycle: Diet and Nutrition, During and After

Dietary Supplements Before and After a Dianabol Cycle
5 April 2013
What is Dianabol?
8 November 2013

Diet During a Dianabol cycle

To optimize your Dianabol treatment you will need a rich supply of protein and calories. Dianabol only brings results if there are enough proteins and calories stored in your muscles

This is due to the positive nitrogen balance explained in the previous chapters. You can only stimulate mass gains if you load up your carbohydrate reserves to the max. Without this, it will be impossible for you to gain mass and instead you will lose what you worked so hard to acquire.


Don’t skip meals!  Prioritize healthy foods and eat if you are hungry! If you lose too many of your gains at the end of a treatment, revise your diet to ensure you are including  enough foods rich in amino acids and adequate food supplements.

It is important to weigh yourself regularly and look at yourself in a mirror in order to observe your progress, adjusting your diet if necessary. In terms of nutrition, for mass gains your body will demand at least the following intake:

  • Breakfast: Around 800 kcal
  • Morning snack: Around 300 kcal
  • Lunch: Around 800 kcal
  • Afternoon snack: Around 300 kcal
  • Dinner: Around 800 kcal
  • Evening snack: Around 300 kcal


What to know for your Dianabol treatment


1g of proteins = 4 Kcal
1g of carbohydrates = 4 Kcal
1g of fats = 9 Kcal



Sample diet for a typical day


BreakfastMorning snack
120gr white bread and butter250gr soft white cheese
1 fruit100gr of fresh fruits
4 eggs in omeletteSome dried fruits
2 YogurtSupplements (whey)
1 coffee
LunchAfternoon snack
100 gr of raw vegetables250gr soft white cheese
300 gr of pasta100gr of fresh fruits
250 gr of red meatSome dried fruits
2 YogurtSupplements (Whey + Casein)
DinnerAfternoon stack
300 gr of cooked rice250gr soft white cheese
200 gr of green vegetables4 hard boiled eggs
230gr of salmon70g of dry oleaginous fruits (walnuts, almonds ...)
200 gr soft white cheeseComplements (casein)

You can of course design and adapt menus to your tastes using the program proposed below.

Intake high carbohydrate and protein intake so that your body is consuming more than it is using. This creates storage, a positive nitrogen balance and there facilitates rapid growth and mass gains. Don’t stuff yourself uselessly with low-calorie foods.


Before starting your program


+ Rich in sugar
apple, orange, banana, grapes, carrots, peas, corn


– Less rich in sugar
Broccoli, spinach, cabbage, tomato, green beans, cauliflower, asparagus



Complete sample diet to follow

during and after your Dianabol treatment



Meal 1

2 entire eggs plus 6 whites, scrambled
150 g cooked oatmeal
1 banana
24 cl orange juice


Meal 2

5 slices of turkey breast
1 roll
100 g light yogurt
1 apple


Meal 3

350 g chili con carne
Baked potato


Meal 4

170 g salmon
200 g rice


Meal 5

115 g 5% minced beef
1 potato
100 g carrots
50 g ice cream



Meal 1

2 entire eggs, scrambled
2 sliced of light cheddar
1 roll
2 c. jam
24 cl orange juice


Meal 2

200 g cheese tortellinis


Meal 3

100 g chicken breast
1 yam
50 g broccoli
100 g fruit cocktail


Meal 4

50 g whey
1 banana
100 g sorbet
2 c. honey 


Meal 5

Cheesesteak sandwich 
24 cl 2% milk
1 muffin

brownie -protein-recipe-dianabol


Meal 1

150 g cooked oatmeal
25 g raisins
50 g whey


Meal 2

115 g 5% minced beef 
200 g white rice
12 cl salsa 
50 g carrots


Meal 3

Chicken Caesar salad
Baked potato
24 cl fruit juice


Meal 4

115 g skinless chicken thigh
100 g white rice
100 g peas
3 c. teriyaki sauce


Meal 5

48 cl 2% milk
25 g de casein
100 g sorbet
100 g strawberries



Meal 1

200 g cereal
50 g whey
24 cl orange juice


Meal 2

100 g miscellaneous vegetables
100 g sugar-free fruit cocktail
1 box beef ravioli
24 cl 2% milk


Meal 3

115 g salmon
1 big potato
100 g corn


Meal 4

1 entire egg plus 4 whites, scrambled
2 slices of light cheddar
1 muffin with 2 c. jam
1 apple
24 cl 2% milk



Meal 1

1 entire egg plus 4 whites, scrambled
3 crêpes
24 cl orange juice
3 c. jam


Meal 2

50 g light white cheese
2 c. honey
100 g sugar-free fruit cocktail


Meal 3

McDonald’s Chicken Sandwich
Vanilla milk shake


Meal 4

48 cl 25 milk
50 g whey
4 saltine crackers (57 g)
1 banana


Meal 5

115 g swordfish
2 average yams
100 g miscellaneous vegetables



Meal 1

2 tartlets
50 g whey + water
1 banana


Meal 2

1 box of tuna
2 c. light mayonnaise
2 full bread slices
100 g ice cream


Meal 3

100 g chicken breast
1 large baked potato
100 g broccoli


Meal 4

2 slices of cheese pizza
Green salad with light vinaigrette


Meal 5

2 full bread slices
2 slices of light cheddar
2 slices of roast beef
Lettuce and tomato slices
24 cl 2% milk
4 fig cookies



Meal 1

4 full slices of bread
1 entire egg plus 4 whites, scrambled
2 slices light cheddar
50 g grapes
2 c. jam


Meal 2

115 g chicken
2 c. light mayonnaise
2 flour tortillas
Green salad with light vinaigrette
1 apple


Meal 3

1 chicken sandwich
1 roll
1 orange

Meal 4

100 g cooked pasta
100 g pasta sauce
115 g 5% minced beef
100 g peas


Meal 5

100 g light white cheese
100 g pineapple
1 light muffin


Dietary supplements are also available to help you, and we address this topic in the next article.

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  1. Jfern says:

    Can I drink fresh beet juice from raw beets in my juicer during a dbol cycle? Will it reduce the power of dbol and reduce gains

    • DIANABOL-STEROIDS.com says:


      Regarding your question about the interaction between two products. Normally, there is no interaction between the two products. No study has shown that drinking beet juice can diminish the effects of Dianabol.

      So, you can drink it without any problem during your cycle.

      If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

      Best regards,

  2. abbas bayad says:

    hi can i take low does dianabol if i have hep b.i mean low does 10 mg a day and test muy blood work aswell to see if it effect hep b.

    do you know when to use liv50 during cycle after please i am waiting for you answer

  3. abbas alli says:

    hi i read you article and enjoyed alot but i confuse do i need to be in calorie surplhas to gain weight with dbal or not.or it doesnot matteer but make sure i eat my meals i mean 5 to six 6 meals is ok to gain good weight with dbol with a seriouse mass gainer shake

  4. Taimy Cervantes says:

    Can I drink malt drink non alcoholic on Dbol?

  5. rahul singh says:

    my body weight is 86 kg
    i want to use dbol and want to grow muscle size then
    * how many gram of protein and carbs required during i start dbol cycle..

    • Arnaud-S says:

      You can already see on the article the different doses to take for this kind of cycle
      But it is always better to consult a specialist
      Do not hesitate to click on this link for a personal coaching

  6. Preetpal says:

    I want to make lean body so can i eat less calories with d bol cycle

  7. tapas rot says:

    can i drink alo vera juice at dianabol cycle

  8. tapas rot says:

    can i drink alovera juice with dianabol cycle??

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