Discover my time on belgian television

Arnold Schwarzenegger: the incomparable mr. Dianabol of all times
3 August 2017
Steroids: side effects and renal system
3 December 2017

A few months ago, some of my students recognised me in the “Devoir d’enquête” broadcast, called “Muscles at any price” broadcasted by the Belgian channels. Since then, the documentary is still available on YouTube (for those who missed my participation, here is the link).

Why did I decide to participate in this broadcast?

Now everyone is aware about my position, my commitment and convictions about taking anabolic steroids. I think that media’s debate is very often wrongly approached. The media seek, above all, to be sensationalist, using a good dose of fear, without really understanding the subject thoroughly.

So that I can better understand my participation in this type of documentary, first I want to relate my trip. This participation was not something that was born of me, although I did not hesitate through my different blogs, to cast the necessary light on cycles of anabolic steroids.

In the case of this documentary, I was contacted by the “devoir d’enquêtes” team through the mailbox of my blog.

This is how we started a long exchange by email and by phone before agreeing to participate under partial anonymity.

The subject of the report was about “The taking of anabolic steroids by amateur athletes”. They wanted me to participate to talk about prevention.

The interview lasted more than an hour. So, I took the opportunity to delve into the following topics:

  • The framework of a ccle that is still essential and determinant for its success.
  • The importance of a sports practice.
  • Have a good nutrition and training program. to achieve the expected results.
  • Stay alert to online scams.
  • Why cannot we avoid doping (current society, etc.)?
  • Etc.

Although they were “honest” with me (no cheating), I will only be heard for 5 minutes (although there was more than an hour of recording).

What are my feelings about the final documentary?

I think that, once again, the media wanted to make sensationalism, without getting involved in the reality of the subject. Given that, by not emphasizing the points mentioned above, we listened to speakers without any knowledge of the subject, a very long passage about proteins (but why?), About the customs officials who make a crack capture (what’s what to do with the products?)

Be careful, I’m not ungrateful and I do not regret having been in the broadcast.

The journalists were honest with me. They did not catch me. However, I have been able to express myself publicly about something I have defended for years. This point is also highlighted in a video of the “show du pro” that I greet when passing.

However, I regret that we continue to cultivate an image of fears and dangers about anabolic steroids. It would have been quite interesting to discover the contributions of these products, how is it possible to achieve a cycle without side effects, user profiles (since they are not illiterate and addicted to drugs, as they want to make us believe, but they are middle class people who know the subject and have a more than respectable lifestyle).


Instead, the documentary ends with a rather bitter note where bodybuilding is like a sect, and in this world, I am a guru.

Bodybuilding and any sport are practiced mainly by people who are conscious about their well-being. When taking products, they seek to improve their performance and develop the best of themselves.

We cannot avoid taking the product. But it is not impossible, much less enjoy their beneficial effects for the body in an intelligent way.

Sports greetings


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